10 Canadian Charities to Celebrate and Support
This Canada day, our team did a lot of reflecting about what this country means to us, and what undoubtedly stands out most is the people. With the effects of the pandemic being in full force, it has become increasingly clear that some groups face systemic injustices in this country. As you may know, Mamas for Mamas is one of the organizations we support with our 10-to-1 donations. Given that many of the mamas that we support through this donations program identify as Indigenous Peoples, we feel it was appropriate to spend this Canada Day as a day of reflection and acknowledgement of the existence of Indigenous communities and cultures on this land well before 153 years ago.
Additionally, we feel it is important to shift the spotlight to the organizations that are working tirelessly to support Indigenous, Black and LGBTQ2IA+ communities in this country. If you agree, help us increase visibility and support for these groups by sharing this blog post, following these organizations on social media and consider donating, because funding can help bring them closer to their goals.
1. Mamas for Mamas
“Mamas for Mamas is a national charitable organization that supports Canadian mothers and caregivers in crisis by providing ongoing support to individuals and families facing various poverty-related struggles. Their resources support Indigenous mamas, new-Canadians, immigrants, and refugees who are utilizing their services.”
“SNIWWOC is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to the empowerment of racialized women with food, art, and education. They address barriers that limit women’s access to healthcare and full reproductive choice. SNIWWOC operates from a holistic and integrated service model that addresses the social, cultural and political realities of racialized women.”
3. Parkdale Activity Centre
“PARC works with members on individual issues of poverty, mental health, addictions, homelessness and food security. Members access services and develop relationships with our staff and one another through four core areas of operation: a drop-in centre, a peer-support program, an outreach program and supportive housing.”
4. The 519
“The 519 is committed to the health, happiness and full participation of the LGBTQ2S communities. A City of Toronto agency with an innovative model of Service, Space and Leadership, we strive to make a real difference in people’s lives, while working to promote inclusion, understanding and respect.”
5. Black Legal Action Centre
“BLAC delivers legal aid services to low and no income Black Ontarians. We work to combat individual and systemic anti-Black racism by:
- providing legal representation, summary legal advice and brief services to individual clients
- engaging in test case litigation, law reform and community development to improve the laws that affect low income people
- giving public legal information sessions to members of the public and other community agencies.”
6. Black Youth Helpline
“Black Youth Helpline serves all youth and specifically responds to the need for a Black youth specific service, positioned and resourced to promote access to professional, culturally appropriate support for youth, families and schools. Services are driven by the voices of participants who call the “Helpline.” Can I help you? Are therefore not simply spoken words. We are passionate about making a difference.”
7. Native Women’s Association of Canada
“The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is a National Indigenous Organization representing the political voice of Indigenous women, girls and gender diverse people in Canada, inclusive of First Nations on and off reserve, status and non-status, disenfranchised, Métis and Inuit. An aggregate of Indigenous women’s organizations from across the country, NWAC was founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of Indigenous women within their respective communities and Canada societies.”
8. Raven Trust
“RAVEN raises legal defence funds to assist Indigenous Peoples who enforce their rights and title to protect their traditional territories. Through our public education programs, RAVEN collaborates with Indigenous Peoples to eliminate environmental racism and foster a greater understanding of indigenous rights and governance.”
9. Indian Residential School Survivors Society
“IRSSS provides essential services to Residential School Survivors, their families, and those dealing with Intergenerational traumas. These impacts affect every family and every community across B.C. and Canada. This fact is most evident in the Corrections Canada Services-the numbers of First Nations people incarcerated, Child and Family Services child apprehensions, the high number of people on social assistance, unemployment and underemployed, lower levels of education, the lowest number within an ethnic minority of “determinants of health”, the list of impacts is extremely high while the services available to effectively assist impacts of Residential Schools remain quite low.”
10. Syilx Language House
“Our language is critically endangered with fewer than 50 fluent Elders remaining. The Syilx Nation stretches across the Interior Plateau from Revelstoke BC to northern Washington. N̓syilxčn̓ is an Interior Salish language[...]
The four-year program was delivered at SLH in Penticton BC. Students completed 1,600 hours in four years and achieved speaking fluency - an amazing success story. Students travelled from their communities to attend. SLH partners with the Penticton Indian Band, Westbank First Nation, Osoyoos Indian Band, First Peoples Culture Council, and in-kind contributions from OKIB, LSIB, and the Okanagan Nation Alliance[...]
Graduating students are teachers of new cohorts of learners. Our dream is to expand to several full immersion workplaces by 2024. OIB started a 4-year fluency program at the OIB Language House in September 2019. SLH formed a partnership with Ti Kwu Ti Xilx Indigenous Association (TKI) in October 2019. Together they deliver an in-house fluency program which includes adult fluency for their staff, and fluency for toddlers, following an immersion language nest model created by the Salish School of Spokane.”
Who did we miss? What organizations are making a difference in your community? Keep the conversation going with us on social media!
Let us know on Facebook and Instagram!
- The Haven Team
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