by Dair Rose

If your bedroom isn't a relaxing place, you're not alone. For many people, the bedroom serves a few different functions, providing a space to kick back and watch TV, read or get a few blissful minutes away from the kids.


It may also be a place to sort and fold laundry, store boxes that have nowhere else to go or even as a stand-in study space for students. As such, it's no surprise that the average bedroom doesn't immediately trigger feelings of relaxation.


For those who can't turn off when it's time to hit the hay, aromatherapy can be a valuable way to inspire tranquility. We experimented with scents like lavender from Okanagan Lavender and Herb farm. Lavender is said to calm the body and mind, so consider diffusing oils on nights when your mind won't slow down. This also can serve to mask many of the chemical smells and off-gassing from your furniture and bed itself.

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