The Connection between Sleep and Mental Health

by Luis Zequeiro
Woman and Dog in Bed, Mattress, Haven Sleep

Sleep is an essential aspect of our lives and is often overlooked. Did you know that the quality of your sleep can significantly impact your mental health? This blog will look closely at the relationship between sleep, and mental health and why ensuring we’re getting enough of it is essential.

The connection between sleep and mental health is both significant and delicate. Our mental health is closely tied to the quality of our sleep, and it's essential to understand the effects that poor and good sleep can have on our overall well-being.

When we don't get enough quality sleep, it can lead to negative impacts on our mood, cognitive function, and daily activities. Poor sleep can cause feelings of irritability, anxiety, and depression and can even lead to memory problems and difficulties concentrating. This can make it challenging to perform even the most routine tasks and interact with others in a positive and productive way.

On the other hand, when we get a good night's sleep, we wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Our mental health benefits greatly, and we're more equipped to handle stress and navigate the challenges of our day. Good sleep helps regulate our emotions and promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. It also allows us to perform at our best and have a more positive outlook on life.

6 Ways to Improve Your Sleeping Habits

Guest writer Madison Robertson, a mental health advocate and Ph.D. candidate in Health Quality dedicated to breaking down stigmas and providing access to resources, suggests ways to improve your sleeping habits and support your mental and physical well-being.

These include:

1. Have a good mattress that supports your sleeping habits and keeps you comfortable at night.
2. Create a regular sleep schedule and stick to it as much as possible.
3. Avoid using your phone or technology before bed – try a book or meditation instead.
4. Complete regular daily exercise – it can be a walk, workout, yoga, or anything!
5. Avoid going to bed until you are ready to sleep – try to stay away from doing your work in bed.
6. Avoid having caffeine or coffee in the late afternoon or at night – it will keep you up.

In conclusion, the connection between sleep and mental health is a reminder that we need to take our sleep seriously. By ensuring we get quality sleep, we’re doing our mental health a big favour. So, take a moment to think about your sleep habits and make the necessary changes to ensure you get the restful sleep you deserve.

Sweet dreams!

About Madi:

Madison is a Mental health advocate, Ph.D. candidate in Health Quality, and photographer living in Kingston, Ontario. She is focused on breaking the stigmas surrounding mental health and mental illness, and ensuring everyone has access to the support and resources they need. You can follow her on Instagram (@madirobertson) and learn more about her advocacy and PhD work. Madison has also worked as a lifestyle and wedding photographer for her Business Madison Robertson Photography (@mrobertsonphotographer)