Haven Sleep Co Affiliate Application Your images, blog content or testimonial may be selected for Haven's next big promotion!
What's your full name ? *
Where are you based ? *
What is the best email to reach you ? *
What is the best phone no. to reach you ? *
What is your website address ?
Please check the social media platforms that you use * Instagram Youtube Tiktok Facebook Snapchat Other
Please provide your Instagram account handle *
Please provide your Youtube account handle *
Please provide your Tiktok account handle *
Please provide your Facebook account handle *
Please provide your Snapchat account handle *
If you selected "Other", which platforms? *
Please provide your Other account handle *
What mattress size(s) are you interested in ? * Twin Twin-XL Double / Full Queen King Cali. King
Which aspects of the Haven brand do you feel you could produce content towards? *
How would you like to promote us to your audience? *